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Musiqiy platformalarda tinglash uchun havola:
Singer: AbroBey (
Produser: MamurjonOkay (
D.O.P and video editing: Behruz Bakhodirov (
Music mixing: Yevgeniy Voyshev (
AbroBey – Bolalik(matni)
Bolalik zoʻr boʻlardi,
Sovuq suv ichsam, onam urardi.
Dod yigʻlab qochardim,
Jahl qilsam hamma kulardi.
Bolalik zoʻr boʻlardi,
Yiqilsam, yugurib otam kelardi.
Bir erkalab oʻpardi,
Yiqilganim shu on unutardim.
Eslayman oʻsha damlarni,
Burchakka bekinib devorga chizardim.
Oʻyinchoqlarim faqat buzardim,
Yangi yilda kuni boʻyi archa bezardim.
Oʻsha eski bogʻcha, opam uxlamoqchi.
Men esa qochmoqchiman, qizlar aytmoqchi.
Lekin baribir qochardim, befoyda ushlash,
Hech kimga yoqmasdi “obed”da uxlash.
Hamma yasardi pistolet “buxanka”dan,
Bekinmachoq oʻynaganda qochardik bir chekkadan.
Oʻynardik “don-don-ziki” bitta chertkidan,
Varraklar yasardik “Aygen” paketlardan.
Hayajonli xotiralar: maktabda ilk kun,
Tayoqcha chizishni oʻrgandim 3 kun.
Ustozim kirganda aytardik joʻr boʻlib:
”Assalomu alaykum!”
Har kun tayyorgarlik, Alifbe bayrami,
A harfi tushgandi she’r yodlagani.
Qizlarning salonga ilk bor kirgani,
Onalar pul yigʻardi video chaqirgani.
Sinfdoshim edi birinchi sevgim,
Hozir ham qiziq, goh kelar koʻrgim.
Oʻsha onlarni kelar qaytargim,
Sogʻindim bugun yoshligim.
Futbol oʻynardik chiqib oʻqishdan,
Darvoza boʻlardi yarimta gʻishtdan.
Charchab esladim bugun chiqib ishdan,
Oʻynarman ertaga, boʻshab tashvishdan.
Vaqt tez oʻtarkan, ulgʻaydik ancha,
Koʻrsatdi onamning oqargan sochi.
Oqlayman otamning hamma ishonchin,
Ishladi bizlar uchun charchagancha.
Hech biri savmadi onam sevgancha,
Hech kim berolmadi otam bergancha.
Koʻp adashdim tushunib yetgunimcha,
Turing yonimda dunyo turgancha.
Sport car|Sport car show|Sport car attitude <br />Get ready to rev up your engines and experience the ultimate in Sport Car Show extravagance! ️ Join us on a thrilling ride as we dive into the heart-pounding world of sport cars with show-stopping designs and a bold attitude that will leave you speechless. From luxury models to sleek speed demons, this video will showcase the very best of Sport Car Attitude. Buckle up as we explore the high-octane performance, cutting-edge technology, and jaw-dropping style of these adrenaline-pumping machines. Don't miss out on the action-packed fun - hit play now and feed your need for speed! #SportCar #SportCarShow #SportCarAttitude
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This might be the best comedy special ever at least you might think so after watching this full special from John Novosad. In this full special John Novosad talks about everything from riding the bus to how to win in a knife fight. Whether you're someone who is looking for a hilarious comedy special, or you're just someone browsing YouTube, this full comedy special from John Novosad is sure to have you laughing from start to finish.
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Wyclef Jean speaks out in support of AIDS and HIV awareness. <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice -- flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
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Tyla - PUSH 2 START (Official Music Video)
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(C) 2024 FAX Records, under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Estelle speaks out in support of Move Your Lips, an MTV Staying Alive campaign to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS” <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />MTV and The Body Shop have joined forces to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS with the creation of the fantastic Move Your Lips campaign. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice – flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
Editing From Filmora:
Music By : Song: The Same Persons - Versace [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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Enjoy Santhanam's hilarious back-to-back comedy scenes from the Tamil movie Vallavanukku Pullum Aayudham! Packed with fun, laughter, and unforgettable moments, this is a must-watch for all comedy lovers.
Stream the full movie now on Sun NXT and relive the joy of this blockbuster entertainer.
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Vallavanukku Pullum Aayudham is a 2014 Indian Tamil-language action comedy film directed by Srinath and released by Studio Green on 9 May 2014. A remake of S. S. Rajamouli's successful Telugu film Maryada Ramanna (2010) which was based on Buster Keaton's Our Hospitality (1923),[1] the film was jointly produced by PVP Cinema and Santhanam, who also played the lead role in it, alongside newcomer Ashna Zaveri. The music was composed by Siddharth Vipin.
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While President Donald Trump announces another reprieve on some Canadian and Mexican tariffs, Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew tells Power & Politics his province will continue its existing response to the tariffs — including supports for Manitoba businesses and keeping U.S. liquor off store shelves — because of the unpredictability of Trump.
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