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#SehatyEntertainment #SehatyFilm
Membahas Berbagai Genre musik dan Karya Cipta Roy Wijaya Dalam pembuatran lagu dan Berbagai Team Yang Terlibat saat Membuat aransement musik.
PT. Rumah Creative Digital Nusantara atau Rumah Creative merupakan perusahan yang terfokus pada Produksi Film dan Event Organizer serta pendidikan remaja khusus pada bidang Seni Kreatif.
Saat ini rumah Creative telah membangun kerja sama dengan 17 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) se Jabotabek, khususnya Jurusan Perfilman dan Televisi, Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) serta Brodcasting juga bermitra dengan berbagai perguruan Tinggi negeri/swasta.
Karena Setiap Sekolah kejuruan selalu bermitra dengan Dunia Usaha, Dunia Industri, dan Dunia Kerja (DUDIKA). Maka tujuan dari kemitraan tersebut adalah dalam rangka untuk saling meningkatkan layanan pendidikan, khususnya kompetensi Siswa lulusan yang siap kerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri berdasarkan kompetensi keahlian.
Dengan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh PT. Rumah Creative Digital Nusantara tersebut, maka Sekolah dalam hal ini telah melaksanakan penandatanganan (MoU). Kedua belah pihak sepakat saling sinergi mengembangkan kompetensi Siswa sebagai bentuk kepedulian industri untuk anak bangsa.
Ada beberapa hal yg disepakati dalam MoU tersebut, di antaranya adalah: (1) sinkronisasi kurikulum; (2) pelaksanaan program pendidikan sistem ganda bagi Siswa; (3) pelaksanaan program magang bagi Guru; (4) pelaksanaan program Guru Tamu; dan (5) Uji Komptensi Keahlian (UKK) serta (6) Rekrutmen calon karyawan/crew dari lulusan sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri. (***)
1.Penaggung Jawab : Ganard Ananda
2.Koordinator : Neky Bintang
3.Head Edithing : Miko Adtiyo Nuno
4.Ide Cerita & Chos : Laura Valintine
5.Moderator : Rachel Hafsah
6.Artistik : Sultan Arman
7.Camera : Ilham Ibrahim
8.Audio Visual : Diva
Keragaman adalah kekayaan yang tak ternilai harganya dalam kehidupan manusia. Dalam berbagai bentuknya, keragaman memberikan kita kesempatan untuk memperluas wawasan, memperkaya pengalaman dan memahami dunia dengan cara yang lebih mendalam
Memahami pengalaman berharga berarti memahami bahwa setiap momen dalam hidup, baik positif maupun negatif, bisa menjadi pelajaran yang bermanfaat. Pengalaman berharga dapat membantu kita untuk mengenal diri sendiri, menemukan nilai-nilai hidup, dan menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.
Jangan Lupa Subcrabe, Like dan Komentarnya. Terimakasih
Misteri Hotel Warisan
Kebanyak hotel di Indonesia selain di kenal dengan kemegahan dan fasilitas yang nyaman, hotel juga dikenal dengan keindahan alam dan keberagaman budayanya.
Namun hal berbeda dengan cerita Hotel Warisan ini, ada apa dibalik misteri ini. Penulis sekaligus Sutradara mengurainya dengan banyak berbagai plotuwist yang akan bingung untuk di tebak.
Meski terlihat megah dari luar, hotel tersebut menyimpan kisah mistis yang dapat membuat bulu kuduk berdiri. Karena dibalik kemegahannya banyak misteri yang usah terungkap.
Legenda urban menyebutkan bahwa banyak lantai hotel ini dihuni oleh seorang perempuan tak kasat mata. Tapi disisi lain ada penghuni pewaris dan pegawai yang dendam sehingga banyak pengunjung hotel menjadi korban, mulai dari anak anak hingga para mahasiswa.
Bahkan pengunjung dari mahasiswa yang menginap di sana merasakan kehadiran gaib yang misterius, satu persatu kawan kawan mereka hilang dan bila ditemukan sudah naas meregang nyawa.
Begitu juga dengan pengunjung anak anak yang melakukan liburan wisata sering kali mendengar suara ketukan di tengah malam, kran air yang tiba-tiba terbuka, dan penampakan hantu yang berjalan di lorong lobi.
Lantas Apa Cerita Dibalik Film Misteri ini, Saksikan saja dan Jangan Lupa Subcrabe, Like dan Komentarnya. Terimakasih (*)
Cinta Diupuk Rindu
Cerita Cinta ini mengajarkan bahwa harapan kadang tak sejalan dengan kenyataan yang ada yang kita di hadapan dalam perjalanan hidup.
Ketika seorang wanita atau pria memulai melakukan perjalanan cinta, mereka pikir bahwa dekat dengan kekasih hati membuat segalanya menjadi indah. Karena merka berpikir bahwa cinta dapat mengatasi segala hal dan membuat hidup terasa sempurna.
Namun, mereka segera memahami bahwa kedekatan fisik tak selalu mencerminkan kedekatan emosional. Mesiki pertemuan itu memunculkan intensitas yang tak terduga. Tetapi mereka juga menyadari bahwa intensitas itu seringkali membuatnya angkuh dan mengubah rasa menjadi perasaan berlebihan.
Mereka terlalu terfokus pada kedekatan, hingga akhirnya melupakan etika kesopanan terhadap orang-orang yang berada jauh darinya. Begitupun sang kekasih hati tak pernah menganggap masalah sebagai sesuatu yang besar.
Baginya, segalanya sederhana dan mengalir dengan sendirinya. Dia mengajarkan pada kita semua penonton, bahwa hidup tidak perlu rumit, dan tak ada yang terlalu serius untuk dikhawatirkan. (***)
Ketika Mendengar Adzan, Sholatlah. Karena Kita Tidak Tau. Umur Kita besok Masih Ada Atau Sore ini kita berpulang. Karena adzan bukan hanya sekadar panggilan untuk salat, tetapi juga memiliki makna mendalam yakni panggilan dari Allah SWT untuk bertemu secara eksklusif dengan umat-Nya.
Adzan dikumandangkan lima kali sehari sebagai seruan kepada umat Muslim untuk melaksanakan kewajiban ibadah salat, yakni mulai dari adzan subuh hingga adzan isya. Untuk lebih memahami apa arti adzan, berikut penjelasan lengkapnya.
Arti Adzan
Kata "adzan" sendiri berasal dari bahasa Arab (أَذَان) yang berarti "pengumuman" atau "pemberitahuan". Kata adzan ini disebutkan sebanyak 53 kali dalam Al Quran dan diartikan sebagai pemberitahuan atau permohonan.
Makna adzan salah satunya tertuang dalam Al Quran Surat At-Taubah ayat 3 yang berbunyi:
وَأَذَانٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ إِلَى النَّاسِ
Artinya: Dan ini (adzan) adalah seruan dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya kepada umat manusia.
Adzan menjadi panggilan bagi umat Muslim untuk menunaikan ibadah salat lima waktu. Ini bukan sekadar pemberitahuan waktu, tetapi juga panggilan untuk memperkokoh hubungan dengan Allah dan memenuhi kewajiban agama.
Melalui kalimat-kalimat yang dipanjatkan dalam adzan, seperti "Allahu Akbar" (Allah Maha Besar), umat Muslim diingatkan akan kebesaran Allah dan pentingnya menghadirkan-Nya dalam setiap aspek kehidupan.
Adzan juga merupakan simbol persatuan umat Islam. Diucapkan secara bersamaan di berbagai masjid di seluruh dunia, adzan menjadi perekat dalam mempersatukan komunitas Muslim dalam menjalankan ibadah. (***)
Film "Sang Petarung" sebuah film yang menggambarkan banyak manfaat yang dapat dipetik selain cerita haru-birunya prestasi, juga manfaat lain adalah meningkatnya gerakan refleks dalam melatih kecepatan, perlawanan, dan kekuatan serta fleksibilitas dan refleks otot juga meningkat.
Dari sisi mental, dengan gerakan-gerakan memukul maupun menendang, membuat pikiran seseorang jadi lebih lega juga membantu seseorang menyingkirkan rasa amarah, kecewa maupun sedih pada akhirnya mereka pun terbebas dari stress.
Film itu juga menjawab sebuah tantangan olahraga tinju yang hampir tenggelam dan ditingggalkan para sponsor karena di Indonesia belum mempunyai grand design olahraga tinju secara profesional. Padahal sebenarnya ini sangat penting, terutama untuk menciptakan atlet-atlet (tinju yang berprestasi.
Bukan hanya itu saja, grand design olahraga nasional ini dapat membuat langkah atlet-atlet kita dan juga pemangku kepentingan menjadi lebih terukur serta sistematis. Sebab, pada dasarnya untuk menciptakan atlet yang memiliki prestasi gemilang tentu saja membutuhkan proses dan perjalanan panjang. (***)
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Editing Design & Media: FilmoraGo
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Song: RudeLies & Facading - Arabian Nights [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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In Arab and Indian traditions, women's hands and feet are decorated with nail henna, which is referred to as HENNA. Henna uses natural plants to make its colors, unlike nail polish.
The Henna plant was first discovered in North Africa. But later, it was used in India, the Middle East, and Europe as well. The ancient Berbers of North Africa were the first people to employ henna for ornamentation. But as henna spread, so did its applications.
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Song: Rob Gasser - Supersonic [NCS Release]
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Music By : Song: The Same Persons - Versace [NCS Release]
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Song: JJD & Division One - Somebody Like Me (feat. Halvorsen) [NCS Release]
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Song: T & Sugah x NCT - Find A Way (feat. Cammie Robinson) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch:
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#pbs wash week
Opening PBS: Music Free And Style Relax
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Warriors, Ghengis Khan #PuJiRo
Song: Asketa & Natan Chaim x Requenze x M.I.M.E - Warriors [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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Ploca Climbing club is a non-profit organization in The Republic of Macedonia. They work to engage youth in outdoor activities such as rock climbing, and strive for sustainability and a clean environment.
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Standup philosopher and best selling author Tim Freke offers his support to Humanity's Team and it's Oneness Petition. For more information see and
Video 20 of a 30 Catholic Church Youth Organization fundraiser video suite provided courtesy of SIGnaShirt Specialties Promotional Fundraisers, where we create custom shirts, craft kits and fundraiser promotional with your Catholic Church Youth Organization fundraiser logo to explode your profits! <br /><br />View SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers complimentary Catholic Church Youth Organization fundraiser “30 Video Suite” with Catholic Church Youth Organization branded custom shirts and craft kit promotionals you design online.<br /><br />WHOLESALE Catholic Church Youth Organization Fundraiser ‘Custom Branded’ Shirts, Craft Kits, Creativity Kits and promotional products… all with Your Catholic Church Youth Organization Logo, available only at:<br /><br /> <br />Fundraising activities have potential to be very successful or very unsuccessful, and it usually depends on a few factors, including excitement, freshness, ease of use, efficiency, fun, information, etc. There are many things you can do to ensure the success of your fundraising activities. One of them is to really put some thought into why people give and how people give. Some people in your area may only give to childrens charities. Other may prefer to give to an education charity. Others may give to animals. If it seems as though many people in your area are more interested in charities other than your own, you can consider partnering up with one of those charities and running an event together. When you investigate why people give, you may find that it depends largely on their level of information, what they know about a given charity. If you inform the community about the value and reasons for your charity, how it may work with, benefit, or take some Non Profits and the Economy
Video Transcription: <br /> <br />SunBug Solar has proven their ability to meet the specific financing and incentive challenges of providing solar power to schools & non-profits across the state of Massachusetts. To learn more about the solar opportunities available, call 617-500-3938 or visit
Many non-profits are getting over their initial scepticism of video marketing and the impression that "video is too expensive" or that "videos take too much time to prepare".<br /><br />They understand that video marketing can be a huge asset for their organisation.<br /><br />In today's video from APV on Mastering Video Marketing I am going to talk about the need to have a video strategy behind that content for your non-profit and give some tips and advice on where to get started.
Video Transcription: <br /> <br />SunBug Solar helps turn financing and incentive challenges into opportunities for solar power for schools & non-profits. For more information about how SunBug works with clients or to schedule an assessment for your solar potential, call 617-500-3938 or visit
Pastors and Non-Profit Consulting leaders must cast a compelling vision for the future of their ministry in order to rally the support of their followers, team, and stakeholders. Growing organizations are led by growing leaders. Check this link right here for more information on Non-Profit Consulting.
Our objective is to accelerate the church growth and effectiveness, by helping the ministries fine-tune the leadership skills necessary to increase their outreach and scale their non-profit consulting organization through our nationwide church consulting services. Check this link right here for more information on non-profit consulting.
The objective is to accelerate the growth and effectiveness of ministries by helping them fine-tunes the leadership skills necessary to increase their outreach and scale their organization. Click this site for more information on Non-profit Consulting. Therefore opt for the best church vision and develop it to grow.Follow us
Wyclef Jean speaks out in support of AIDS and HIV awareness. <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice -- flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
Good Charlotte speaks out in support of AIDS and HIV awareness. <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice -- flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
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Six talented students of Jamia Millia Islamia - Central University joined Lakshyam as interns a few months back. As their college project, they made a heart touching documentary film giving insights into the lives of people living in Lakshyam's E2 Block, Vasant Kunj Center. <br /> <br />We are grateful to them for putting in their best efforts and presenting the story of our center to encourage people and spread awareness. <br /> <br />Visit our Website to know more:
A documentation made by Werner Boote about the impact of plastic on the global environment and the human body. A real eye opener! <br /> <br />I don't have any copyrights or ownership on this video. The posting of this video goes under the claim of fair use. This video is posted for pure educational reason and purpose, I don't get any profit from posting it here. <br /> <br />Comments and discussions are encouraged !
A video that explains how to make money.
A documentation made by Werner Boote about the impact of plastic on the global environment and the human body. A real eye opener! <br /> <br />I don't have any copyrights or ownership on this video. The posting of this video goes under the claim of fair use. This video is posted for pure educational reason and purpose, I don't earn any money by posting it here.. <br /> <br />Comments and discussions are encouraged !
If the social entrepreneurship movement is going to be successful, an entirely new social contract will need to be forged between the private and public sectors. As the work of Gerald Chertavian demonstrates, these innovative partnerships may eventua
Nelson Jones elaborates on how non profits can adequately support survivors of human trafficking
YouTube Dude is a online video sharing site where visitors become contributors by simply sharing any videos they want onto the website. Get up-to-date info about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals. Click or call (206)495-1705 Need to learn about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals? Click or call (206)495-1705 Get up-to-date info about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals. Click or call (206)495-1705 Get up-to-date info about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals. Click or call (206)495-1705
Estelle speaks out in support of Move Your Lips, an MTV Staying Alive campaign to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS” <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />MTV and The Body Shop have joined forces to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS with the creation of the fantastic Move Your Lips campaign. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice – flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
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की पहचान। Mucormycosis Fungal Infection | IndosNews
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Mark Carney has been elected leader of Canada’s Liberal Party in a months-long, high stakes race to replace Justin Trudeau. While Carney will take over immediately as Liberal Party leader, Trudeau will remain as Canada’s prime minister for an as-yet undisclosed transitional period while his successor settles in. One of the biggest issues in Carney’s immediate inbox will be the country’s souring relations with the United States. #CNN #News
While President Donald Trump announces another reprieve on some Canadian and Mexican tariffs, Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew tells Power & Politics his province will continue its existing response to the tariffs — including supports for Manitoba businesses and keeping U.S. liquor off store shelves — because of the unpredictability of Trump.
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The Liberal leadership race ends Sunday with a convention that will name Justin Trudeau's successor as both party leader and prime minister. CBC's Rosemary Barton, Liberal Party national campaign chair Terry Duguid, the Power & Politics panel of Liberal insiders and former head of Jean Chrétien's transition team David Zussman analyze how the race played out, what's at stake on Sunday and what the transition will look like during a trade war.
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Nebraska Republican Rep. Don Bacon disagrees with U.S. President Donald Trump's trade war and says ending it will take more Republicans speaking out. Bacon says the 'vast majority' of Republicans agree with him but are worried about not looking like a 'team player.'
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Dance till the drop with Mika Singh's chartbuster 'Veerey Di Wedding' from the movie 'Entertainment' starring Akshay Kumar & Tamannaah Bhatia.
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Vodafone Users Dial 5375302615
Airtel Users Dial 5432114206925
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Available On:
Song Credits:
Singers: Mika Singh
Music Director: Sachin Jigar
Lyrics Writer: Mayur Puri
Song Mixed & Mastered by: Eric Pillai (Future Sound Of Bombay)
Movie Cast:
Akshay Kumar
Tamannaah Bhatia
Mithun Chakraborty
Johnny Lever
Prakash Raj
Sonu Sood
Movie Crew:
Screenplay Dialouges & Directed by - Farhad-Sajid
Produced by - Ramesh S. Taurani
Presenter - Jayantilal Gada (PEN)
Creative Producer - Jay Shewakramani
Co Producers - Dhaval Jayantilal Gada, Kushal Kantilal Gada & Reshmaa Kadakia.
Music Director - Sachin Jigar
Lyrics - Mayur Puri, Priya Panchal & Ashish Pandit
Cinematographer - Manoj Soni
Story - K.Subhash
Choreographer - Remo D'souza
Action Director - Sham Kaushal
Editor - Steven Benard
Production Designer - Vinod Guruji
Audiography - Parikshit Lalwani and Kunal Mehta
Costume Stylist - Ayesha Dasgupta & Jaya Taurani
Song Lyrics:
Oh Veera Chocolate Boy
Tha Kudiyon Da Joy
Meethi Baatein Karke
Saari Kudiyaa Le Gaya
Veera Vanilla
Ennu Mauka Jo Milla
Hothon Pe Deke Flavour
Saala Chummi Le Gaya
Oh Bhai Teri Jawaani The End Ho Gayi
Teri Saari Deewani Saddi Friend Ho Gayi
DJ Nu Bulwaado... Hayy
Oh Dj Nu Bulwaado
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
Bottalein Khulwa Do
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
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Twitter Pe Hai Trending
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
Long Time Se Pending
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
Haan Char Kadam Pe Bhagi Bhagi
Ik Baarat Aayegi
Har Puppy Ka Din Hai Aata
Teri Raat Aayegi
Oye Kudiye Season Shadi Ka Hai
Pandit Bhi Hai Ready
Kanyadan Karega Veera
Mat Bulwana Daddy
Ainwayi Busy Rehte Hain Baarati Apne
Ek Budget Mein Fit Ho Jaaye
Do Ghar Ke Sapne
Koi Band Toh Bajwaado...
Koi Band Toh Bajwaado
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
Bottalein Khulwa Do
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
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Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
Long Time Se Pending
Sadde Veerey Di Wedding Hai
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Kala Cinta Menggoda - Chrisye
Cover by Forte Entertainment
Performed by Forte Entertainment
Social Market (SoMa) Grand Ballroom
19 Dec 2020
The Wedding of Ayu and Ivan
Audio Mixing and Mastering by Jordi Takarbessy
This song is not usually played during wedding occasion. It is performed per request from a guest.
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Previous Natok;-
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সৌদি প্রবাসী | Saudi Probashi | Bangla Funny Video | Family Entertainment bd | Desi Cid | Natok
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* ইউটিউবার জামাই *
Script & Diarection - Rakib Hasan
Advisory Direction - Khairul Islam Jisan
Edit & Color - Khairul Islam Jisan
Music - Khairul Islam Jisan
Cast -
Khairul Islam Jisan (ACP)
Rakib Hasan (DIRECTOR)
Sheikh Mahedi Hasan (FREDY)
Md. Masudur Rahman Masud
Md. Sakib Al Hasan
Hassan Ali
Abdullah Al Mamun
A Family Entertainment Bd Production
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This concept have no connection with the reality... This vIdeo is made only for comedy purpose.. Don't take funny videos seriously... Don't Forget to subscribe if you want more videos like this..
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I somehow talked Amazon into letting me post the first 3 episodes here, I hope you enjoy! Episodes 4-10 will ONLY be on Amazon Prime Video.
Beast Games Episode 2:
Beast Games Episode 1 Credits:
I appreciate all of you so much, the finale drops tomorrow and will blow your mind :)
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Entertainment (4k) | Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Johnny Lever | Pen Movies
SYNOPSIS: Akhil, an underdog and a failure, comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve his wealth, he learns that a dog has inherited it.
Director: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Producer: Dr. Jayantilal Gada, Ramesh Taurani, Kumar S. Taurani
Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Johnny Lever
Written By: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Music By: Sachin - Jigar
Cinematography: Manoj Soni
Edited By: Steven Bernard
Production Company: Tips Industries Limited
Distributed By: Pen India Limited, White Hill Studio
#Entertainment #AkshayKumar #TamannaahBhatia #JohnnyLever #PenMovies
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SYNOPSIS: Akhil, an underdog and a failure, comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve his wealth, he learns that a dog has inherited it.
Director: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Producer: Dr. Jayantilal Gada, Ramesh Taurani, Kumar S. Taurani
Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Johnny Lever
Written By: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Music By: Sachin - Jigar
Cinematography: Manoj Soni
Edited By: Steven Bernard
Production Company: Tips Industries Limited
Distributed By: Pen India Limited, White Hill Studio
#Entertainment #AkshayKumar, #TamannaahBhatia, #JohnnyLever, #PenMovies,
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Ali Siddiq presents and executive produces the third comedy special from Marcus D. Wiley, Marriage is Major Surgery. This one-of-a-kind performance is ideal for the married, the wanna be married, the used to be married and the wanna be married again. With millions of marriages in meltdown mode and divorce rates dialing up, it’s clear that across the country relationships are in need of intervention; but, the problem is not a lack of interest. It’s a lack of understanding. Confusion in communication and what to expect are at the crux of the dilemma. Viewers will leave intrigued, informed and thoroughly entertained as Marcus weaves scenarios with which listeners are intimately acquainted with truths, that can change the trajectory of even strained relationships.
Follow Marcus
On Tour w @AliSiddiq most every weekend in Q1-2. Marcus' solo headlining tour begins June - Dec 2025. Dates & Tickets:
Feb 22, San Antonio
Mar 1, Baltimore
Mar 7, Knoxville
Mar 8, Memphis
Mar 14, Mobile
Mar 15, Columbus, GA
Mar 21, San Francisco
Mar 22, Fresno
April 4&5: Detroit
Apr 11, Shreveport
Apr 12, New Orleans
Apr 18, Toledo
Apr 19, Grand Rapids
Apr 25, Akron
Apr 26, Indianapolis
May 2, Minneapolis
May 3, Milwaukee
May 10, Chicago
May 16, Augusta
May 17, Macon
May 23, Savannah
May 30, Boston
Jun 6, San Jose
Jun 7, Los Angeles
Jun 13, Atlanta
Jun 14, Birmingham
Jun 20, Raleigh
Jun 21, Nashville
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