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Musiqiy platformalarda tinglash uchun havola:
Singer: AbroBey (
Produser: MamurjonOkay (
D.O.P and video editing: Behruz Bakhodirov (
Music mixing: Yevgeniy Voyshev (
AbroBey – Bolalik(matni)
Bolalik zoʻr boʻlardi,
Sovuq suv ichsam, onam urardi.
Dod yigʻlab qochardim,
Jahl qilsam hamma kulardi.
Bolalik zoʻr boʻlardi,
Yiqilsam, yugurib otam kelardi.
Bir erkalab oʻpardi,
Yiqilganim shu on unutardim.
Eslayman oʻsha damlarni,
Burchakka bekinib devorga chizardim.
Oʻyinchoqlarim faqat buzardim,
Yangi yilda kuni boʻyi archa bezardim.
Oʻsha eski bogʻcha, opam uxlamoqchi.
Men esa qochmoqchiman, qizlar aytmoqchi.
Lekin baribir qochardim, befoyda ushlash,
Hech kimga yoqmasdi “obed”da uxlash.
Hamma yasardi pistolet “buxanka”dan,
Bekinmachoq oʻynaganda qochardik bir chekkadan.
Oʻynardik “don-don-ziki” bitta chertkidan,
Varraklar yasardik “Aygen” paketlardan.
Hayajonli xotiralar: maktabda ilk kun,
Tayoqcha chizishni oʻrgandim 3 kun.
Ustozim kirganda aytardik joʻr boʻlib:
”Assalomu alaykum!”
Har kun tayyorgarlik, Alifbe bayrami,
A harfi tushgandi she’r yodlagani.
Qizlarning salonga ilk bor kirgani,
Onalar pul yigʻardi video chaqirgani.
Sinfdoshim edi birinchi sevgim,
Hozir ham qiziq, goh kelar koʻrgim.
Oʻsha onlarni kelar qaytargim,
Sogʻindim bugun yoshligim.
Futbol oʻynardik chiqib oʻqishdan,
Darvoza boʻlardi yarimta gʻishtdan.
Charchab esladim bugun chiqib ishdan,
Oʻynarman ertaga, boʻshab tashvishdan.
Vaqt tez oʻtarkan, ulgʻaydik ancha,
Koʻrsatdi onamning oqargan sochi.
Oqlayman otamning hamma ishonchin,
Ishladi bizlar uchun charchagancha.
Hech biri savmadi onam sevgancha,
Hech kim berolmadi otam bergancha.
Koʻp adashdim tushunib yetgunimcha,
Turing yonimda dunyo turgancha.
Very Special Trending Funny Comedy Video 2025 😂Amazing Comedy Video 2025 Episode 314 Bidik Fun Tv
Get ready for some laughs with our trending funny comedy video! Episode 314 of Bidik Fun Tv is full of hilarious moments and amazing comedy that will keep you entertained for hours. Don't miss out on this special video filled with laughter and joy!
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Bidik Fun Tv has the sole rights of all contents, and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except Bidik Fun Tv. This Channel is the Based on a Funny Video. The uploaded all contents are Made by our own team. Also Sometimes We are using some Third-Party materials where we have the specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.
In this new top comedy video, you'll find some of the best memes and hilarious shorts that have been released in the past year. From hilarious dad jokes to ridiculous animal videos, this video is sure to make you laugh!
If you're looking for some top comedy videos to watch in 2022, then look no further! This video is packed full of hilarious shorts and memes that will have you laughing until you cry. Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy or just want to laugh out loud, this video is worth checking out! comedy videos.
Director - Sohel Sheikh
Script Writer - Sohel & Team
Producer - Sohel Sheikh
Camera Man - Sohel & Yousuf
Editor - Sohel - sohan - yousuf
Actors - Sohan, Nazmul, Sabbir, Billal, Elious, Suvo, Raihan & Others.
Music: YouTube Free Audio Music Library <br />Fundraising activities have potential to be very successful or very unsuccessful, and it usually depends on a few factors, including excitement, freshness, ease of use, efficiency, fun, information, etc. There are many things you can do to ensure the success of your fundraising activities. One of them is to really put some thought into why people give and how people give. Some people in your area may only give to childrens charities. Other may prefer to give to an education charity. Others may give to animals. If it seems as though many people in your area are more interested in charities other than your own, you can consider partnering up with one of those charities and running an event together. When you investigate why people give, you may find that it depends largely on their level of information, what they know about a given charity. If you inform the community about the value and reasons for your charity, how it may work with, benefit, or take some
Tyla - PUSH 2 START (Official Music Video)
"TYLA+" available at:
Follow Tyla:
(C) 2024 FAX Records, under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
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These dogs have so much love in their heart ❤️Dog and Human 2025
Dogs don’t just have hearts—they have endless love to give! ❤️
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A video that explains how to make money.
Enjoy over an hour of these animal BFFs 😂💥♥️ Dogs, Cats, Birds and Lizards.
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For the spoiling, nurturing and whole-heartedly pet-obsessed, The Pet Collective is a playground that cultivates community, promotes joyful moments, and fuels your pet lifestyle. From entertainment, to pet-ucation, to the newest trends and products, and everything in between - TPC is the catnip for the modern pet parent. Join in on the frenzy.
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Hi guys<br />This video is currently about life style and also How to .<br />Please like and subscribe and share.
Music video by Veronica Adane performing ካንተ ሌላ - Kante Lela (Official Music Video) New Ethiopian Music 2024.
Kala Cinta Menggoda - Chrisye
Cover by Forte Entertainment
Performed by Forte Entertainment
Social Market (SoMa) Grand Ballroom
19 Dec 2020
The Wedding of Ayu and Ivan
Audio Mixing and Mastering by Jordi Takarbessy
This song is not usually played during wedding occasion. It is performed per request from a guest.
Take a look inside the awesome Movember Headquarters! Dance studio turned officespace has it all - a barber shop, a bar, dart boards, chill out areas, awesome decorations, and lots of mustaches. This rad company knows to create great company culture, and look good while doing it. Take a look inside.
Akshay Kumar - Johnny Lever - Back To Back Comedy Scenes | Entertainment | Sonu Sood, Tamannaah
#Entertaiment #AkshayKumar #Tammannah
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