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Enjoy over an hour of these animal BFFs 😂💥♥️ Dogs, Cats, Birds and Lizards.
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These dogs have so much love in their heart ❤️Dog and Human 2025
Dogs don’t just have hearts—they have endless love to give! ❤️
FUNNIEST Dog, Cat and Animal Videos That’ll Instantly Boost Your Mood! 😸🐶
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Musiqiy platformalarda tinglash uchun havola:
Singer: AbroBey (
Produser: MamurjonOkay (
D.O.P and video editing: Behruz Bakhodirov (
Music mixing: Yevgeniy Voyshev (
AbroBey – Bolalik(matni)
Bolalik zoʻr boʻlardi,
Sovuq suv ichsam, onam urardi.
Dod yigʻlab qochardim,
Jahl qilsam hamma kulardi.
Bolalik zoʻr boʻlardi,
Yiqilsam, yugurib otam kelardi.
Bir erkalab oʻpardi,
Yiqilganim shu on unutardim.
Eslayman oʻsha damlarni,
Burchakka bekinib devorga chizardim.
Oʻyinchoqlarim faqat buzardim,
Yangi yilda kuni boʻyi archa bezardim.
Oʻsha eski bogʻcha, opam uxlamoqchi.
Men esa qochmoqchiman, qizlar aytmoqchi.
Lekin baribir qochardim, befoyda ushlash,
Hech kimga yoqmasdi “obed”da uxlash.
Hamma yasardi pistolet “buxanka”dan,
Bekinmachoq oʻynaganda qochardik bir chekkadan.
Oʻynardik “don-don-ziki” bitta chertkidan,
Varraklar yasardik “Aygen” paketlardan.
Hayajonli xotiralar: maktabda ilk kun,
Tayoqcha chizishni oʻrgandim 3 kun.
Ustozim kirganda aytardik joʻr boʻlib:
”Assalomu alaykum!”
Har kun tayyorgarlik, Alifbe bayrami,
A harfi tushgandi she’r yodlagani.
Qizlarning salonga ilk bor kirgani,
Onalar pul yigʻardi video chaqirgani.
Sinfdoshim edi birinchi sevgim,
Hozir ham qiziq, goh kelar koʻrgim.
Oʻsha onlarni kelar qaytargim,
Sogʻindim bugun yoshligim.
Futbol oʻynardik chiqib oʻqishdan,
Darvoza boʻlardi yarimta gʻishtdan.
Charchab esladim bugun chiqib ishdan,
Oʻynarman ertaga, boʻshab tashvishdan.
Vaqt tez oʻtarkan, ulgʻaydik ancha,
Koʻrsatdi onamning oqargan sochi.
Oqlayman otamning hamma ishonchin,
Ishladi bizlar uchun charchagancha.
Hech biri savmadi onam sevgancha,
Hech kim berolmadi otam bergancha.
Koʻp adashdim tushunib yetgunimcha,
Turing yonimda dunyo turgancha.
While bird-mother Paula is away searching for food, her son Peep gets unexpected help from a Paper Plane. Together they head out exploring the magical world around them. But their friendship is soon to be tested...
This short film won the CT: D Audience Award as Best Short Animated Film at the Zlín International Film Festival for Children and Youth 2017.
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Director - Christoph Englert
Voices - Tanja Frehse, Marleen Lohse, Natalie Spinell
Producer - Lucia Scharbatke
Writers - Christoph Englert
Year - 2016
Though the father of modern capitalism is generally associated with the virtues of self-interest, he also possessed a deep moral concern for our responsibility to help others. According to the founder of Year Up, this second aspect of the free market
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Estelle speaks out in support of Move Your Lips, an MTV Staying Alive campaign to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS” <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />MTV and The Body Shop have joined forces to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS with the creation of the fantastic Move Your Lips campaign. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice – flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008 Get up-to-date info about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals. Click or call (206)495-1705 Get up-to-date info about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals. Click or call (206)495-1705 Need to learn about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals? Click or call (206)495-1705 Get up-to-date info about non profit grants,funding,writing, programs & proposals. Click or call (206)495-1705
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If the social entrepreneurship movement is going to be successful, an entirely new social contract will need to be forged between the private and public sectors. As the work of Gerald Chertavian demonstrates, these innovative partnerships may eventua
A documentation made by Werner Boote about the impact of plastic on the global environment and the human body. A real eye opener! <br /> <br />I don't have any copyrights or ownership on this video. The posting of this video goes under the claim of fair use. This video is posted for pure educational reason and purpose, I don't get any profit from posting it here. <br /> <br />Comments and discussions are encouraged !
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Wyclef Jean speaks out in support of AIDS and HIV awareness. <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice -- flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
कैसे करें
ब्लैक फंगस
की पहचान। Mucormycosis Fungal Infection | IndosNews
0:26 - ब्लैक फंगस एक बड़ा खतरा
0:56 - ब्लैक फंगस किन लोगों पर सबसे ज्यादा करता असर करता है ।
1:03 - ब्लैक फंगस के लक्षण
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Mark Carney has been elected leader of Canada’s Liberal Party in a months-long, high stakes race to replace Justin Trudeau. While Carney will take over immediately as Liberal Party leader, Trudeau will remain as Canada’s prime minister for an as-yet undisclosed transitional period while his successor settles in. One of the biggest issues in Carney’s immediate inbox will be the country’s souring relations with the United States. #CNN #News
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Script & Diarection - Rakib Hasan
Advisory Direction - Khairul Islam Jisan
Edit & Color - Khairul Islam Jisan
Music - Khairul Islam Jisan
Cast -
Khairul Islam Jisan (ACP)
Rakib Hasan (DIRECTOR)
Sheikh Mahedi Hasan (FREDY)
Md. Masudur Rahman Masud
Md. Sakib Al Hasan
Hassan Ali
Abdullah Al Mamun
A Family Entertainment Bd Production
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I somehow talked Amazon into letting me post the first 3 episodes here, I hope you enjoy! Episodes 4-10 will ONLY be on Amazon Prime Video.
Beast Games Episode 2:
Beast Games Episode 1 Credits:
I appreciate all of you so much, the finale drops tomorrow and will blow your mind :)
Entertainment (4k) | Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Johnny Lever | Pen Movies
SYNOPSIS: Akhil, an underdog and a failure, comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve his wealth, he learns that a dog has inherited it.
Director: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Producer: Dr. Jayantilal Gada, Ramesh Taurani, Kumar S. Taurani
Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Johnny Lever
Written By: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Music By: Sachin - Jigar
Cinematography: Manoj Soni
Edited By: Steven Bernard
Production Company: Tips Industries Limited
Distributed By: Pen India Limited, White Hill Studio
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SYNOPSIS: Akhil, an underdog and a failure, comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve his wealth, he learns that a dog has inherited it.
Director: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Producer: Dr. Jayantilal Gada, Ramesh Taurani, Kumar S. Taurani
Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Johnny Lever
Written By: Farhad Samji, Sajid
Music By: Sachin - Jigar
Cinematography: Manoj Soni
Edited By: Steven Bernard
Production Company: Tips Industries Limited
Distributed By: Pen India Limited, White Hill Studio
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Music: YouTube Free Audio Music Library
Hello Dear Viewers,
This is a funny videos channel. We make funny videos in our village. Because We are live in village.
All videos are shoot in village side.
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Director - Mithon
Script Writer - Mithon & Mizanur
Producer - Mithon
Camera Man - Mithon
Editor - Sumi
Actors - Mithon, Mizanur, Shahin, DJ Jejar, maruf, alim, rubel
Music: YouTube Free Audio Music Library
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Very Special Trending Funny Comedy Video 2025 😂Amazing Comedy Video 2025 Episode 314 Bidik Fun Tv
Get ready for some laughs with our trending funny comedy video! Episode 314 of Bidik Fun Tv is full of hilarious moments and amazing comedy that will keep you entertained for hours. Don't miss out on this special video filled with laughter and joy!
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Bidik Fun Tv has the sole rights of all contents, and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except Bidik Fun Tv. This Channel is the Based on a Funny Video. The uploaded all contents are Made by our own team. Also Sometimes We are using some Third-Party materials where we have the specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.
In this new top comedy video, you'll find some of the best memes and hilarious shorts that have been released in the past year. From hilarious dad jokes to ridiculous animal videos, this video is sure to make you laugh!
If you're looking for some top comedy videos to watch in 2022, then look no further! This video is packed full of hilarious shorts and memes that will have you laughing until you cry. Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy or just want to laugh out loud, this video is worth checking out! comedy videos.
Director - Sohel Sheikh
Script Writer - Sohel & Team
Producer - Sohel Sheikh
Camera Man - Sohel & Yousuf
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Music: YouTube Free Audio Music Library
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Blue - Yung Kai, Marilag💗 Best OPM Tagalog Love Songs💗 OPM Tagalog Top Songs 2024 Playlist
00:00 Siletn Love
03:13 Gentle Heart
06:50 Perfect feeling
09:48 Dream brun
13:00 Heart's desire
16:03 Promise heart
19:16 Perfect symphony
22:03 Soft echo
25:13 Chaos lift
28:02 Soulful bliss
31:24 Love drunk
34:52 Sweet secret
37:58 Soft balance
41:21 Forever secret
44:03 Soul fire
47:09 MIdnight secret
50:15 Drowing eyes
53:35 Tender time
56:32 Moonlight serenade
59:32 Sweet game
#rnb #jazz #lofi #bgm
Official 2Point1 - Sthandwa Sam Music Video
Performed by : 2Point1,Bello M, Epic Dj, Seneath & X-Morizo
Directed by : 2POINT1 & MZALAZALA
Shot By : Nicky Campos TV
Location : South Africa, Free State, in Welkom
Music By : @2point1music48 & @Africori
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When She Cries - Restless Heart 🌺 OPM Tagalog Top Songs 2025 Playlist 🌺 Best OPM Tagalog Love Songs
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▶ We bring you the soothing and relaxing melodies of Original Pilipino Music. Here, music is not just musical notes but also a bridge connecting emotions and culture.
▶ OPM music (Original Pilipino Music) is an important part of musical culture in the Philippines. It clearly reflects the national identity and cultural diversity of this country.
▶ Join us in entering the rich world of Philippine culture through selected music, where each melody is a window to the country's culture and traditions.
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Beautiful OPM Love Songs 2024🌹Tagalog Love Song Collection 2024 💖 Non Stop Music Love Songs
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Sa Bawat Sandali - Amiel Sol, Marilag - Dionela | New OPM Trending Playlist - OPM Tagalog Love Songs
🎶 Sa Bawat Sandali - Amiel Sol, Marilag - Dionela | New OPM Trending Playlist - OPM Tagalog Love Songs 💖
🌟 Experience the best of OPM love songs! 🌟
Dive into the heartwarming melodies of Sa Bawat Sandali by Amiel Sol, Marilag by Dionela, and more of the latest trending OPM Tagalog love songs. This playlist is perfect for those quiet moments of reflection, late-night reminiscing, or simply enjoying the beauty of Filipino music. Whether you're in love, healing from heartbreak, or just in the mood for soulful tunes, this collection will surely touch your heart. 💕
💖 Why You’ll Love This Playlist? 💖
✅ Featuring the latest & trending OPM hits 🎤
✅ Perfect for love, heartbreak, and chill moments ❤️🔥
✅ A mix of emotional, relaxing, and feel-good tracks 🎶
✅ High-quality audio for the best listening experience 🎧
OPM music continues to captivate audiences with its heartfelt lyrics, soothing melodies, and deep emotional connections. This playlist brings you the most beautiful Filipino love songs that resonate with every feeling, from the joys of romance to the pains of letting go.
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Discover the best new indie, pop & folk music in our February 2025 compilation! Tracklist below… 👇
🔔 Subscribe to never miss the finest new independent music!
💿 Tracklist:
0:00 Dotan - ‘Carry You’
3:20 WILD - ‘Here Comes the Love’
6:24 Hunter Metts - ‘Weathervane’
10:06 Garrett Kato - ‘I Will’
12:36 Callan Brown - ‘Mexico’
15:42 philine - ‘matter’
18:48 Jamila - ‘Silver Lining’
22:11 Moody Joody - ‘El Camino High’
25:58 Jackson Wooten - ‘Violent Summer’
29:09 Companion - ‘Rest of my Life’
31:53 De Joie - ‘Waiting for the Sun’
35:59 Katie Lynne Sharbaugh - ‘Little Fortune’
38:29 Luke Sital-Singh - ‘In Your Eyes’
41:49 Sarah Klang - ‘Go to the Sun’
44:44 Jesse Taylor - ‘To The Sea’
47:15 Radiant Life Perspective - ‘Forgive Me Someday’
50:55 Jack and the Weatherman - ‘Thorns’
54:17 The Franklin Electric & Lila Dupont - ‘Harvest Moon’
57:32 Lane Simkins - ‘Grace In The Parlour’
1:00:29 Billy Sharp - ‘Kitchen Disco Queen’
1:03:46 Benni - ‘Queen Of Cove’
1:08:05 Camille Trail - ‘magic trick’
1:10:38 Felipe Baldomir - ‘Nothing Holds Me Back’
1:14:00 Maya Lane - ‘Beyond Alaska’
1:16:38 Steve Stout & Neil O'Neil & Luke Skidmore & Packy Lundholm - ‘Ooh La La’
1:20:50 Dusty Boots - ‘Smile’
1:23:53 Michael Benjamin - ‘I Like The Way She...’
1:27:04 Sonja Midtune - ‘Slow Hypnotize’
1:30:20 Alas de Liona - ‘Violet’
1:33:10 Taylor Armstrong - ‘My Safe Place’
1:36:53 Eliza Harrison Smith - ‘Contradiction’
1:40:13 Allison Leah - ‘Meet Me In The Garden’
1:42:58 Peter. - ‘Ocean Blue’
1:44:36 None The Younger - ‘God Only Knows’
1:47:16 Jakob Longfield - ‘Morning Light (with Finn, Prince of Whales)’
1:51:16 Lila Tristram - ‘Baby’
1:54:59 Grace Moore - ‘The Neighbour's House’
1:58:49 William Austin - ‘Intersection’
2:03:20 Jeremy Nathan - ‘Everything Must Go’
2:07:07 Tomás Paúl - ‘for the record’
2:11:37 The Patch - ‘sea salt’
2:16:11 Anderson Hao - ‘this will probably change’
2:19:41 Lockton - ‘Back To Home’
2:23:23 Amistat - ‘goodbye’
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Title : Garam & Madu
Artist : Tenxi, Naykilla & Jemsii
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🎧 Gigi Perez - Sailor Song (Lyrics)
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🎤 Lyrics: Gigi Perez - Sailor Song
[Verse 1]
I saw her in the rightest way
Looking like Anne Hathaway
Laughing while she hit her pen and coughed, and coughed
And then she came up to my knees
Begging, "Baby, would you please
Do the things you said you'd do to me, to me?"
Oh, won't you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor?
And when you get a taste, can you tell me, what's my flavor?
I don't believe in God, but I believe that you're my savior
My mom says that she's worried, but I'm covered in this favor
And when we're getting dirty, I forget all that is wrong
I sleep so I can see you 'cause I hate to wait so long
I sleep so I can see you, and I hate to wait so long
[Verse 2]
She took my fingers to her mouth
The kind of thing that makes you proud
That nothing else had ever worked out, worked out
And lately, I tried other things
But nothing can capture the sting
Of the venom she's gonna spit out right now
Oh, won't you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor?
And when you get a taste, can you tell me, what's my flavor?
I don't believe in God, but I believe that you're my savior
I know that you've been worried, but you're dripping in my favor
And when we're getting dirty, I forget all that is wrong
I sleep so I can see you 'cause I hate to wait so long
I sleep so I can see you, and I hate to wait so long
And we can run away to the walls inside your house
I can be the cat, baby, you can be the mouse
And we can laugh off things that we know nothing about
We can go forever until you wanna sit it out
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Top Music Playlist 2025 - Best Songs Collection Album - The Best Of Acoustic Cover - Greatest Hits
Top Music Playlist 2025 - Best Songs Collection Album - The Best Of Acoustic Cover - Greatest Hits
♫ Spotify:
♫ Apple Music:
00:00:00 1. Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran - Helions Cover
00:04:02 2. Handclap - Fitz and the Tantrums - Helions Cover
00:07:04 3. Rather Be - Clean Bandit ft Jess Glynne - Helions Cover
00:11:12 4. IDGAF - Dua Lipa - Helions Cover
00:15:05 5. Kings and Queen - Ava Max - Helions Cover
00:17:54 6. We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez - Helions Cover
00:21:49 7. Attention - Charlie Puth - Helions Cover
00:25:18 8. Rockabye - Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul, Anne-Marie - Helions Cover
00:29:30 9. Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin - Helions Cover
00:32:42 10. 7 Years - Lukas Graham - Helions Cover
00:36:42 11. See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth - Helions Cover
00:40:09 12. Safari - Serena - Helions Cover
00:43:20 13. Titanium - Sia, David Guetta - Helions Cover
00:47:26 14. Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine - Helions Cover
00:51:06 15. Cupid - FIFTY FIFTY - Helions Cover
00:53:58 16. Dance Monkey - Tones and I - Helions Cover
00:57:32 17. Doll House - Melanie Martinez - Helions Cover
01:00:37 18. Hey Mama - David Guetta ft Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha, Afrojack - Helions Cover
01:03:56 19. I Love You 3000 - Stephanie Poetri - Helions Cover
01:07:24 20. That's What I Like - Bruno Mars - Helions Cover
01:10:52 21. Into Your Arms - Ava Max - Helions Cover
01:13:18 22. Infinity - Jaymes Young - Helions Cover
► All recording copyrights are owned by HongAn Entertainment
Selection Old Love Songs for Deep Sleep ❤️ PAMPATULOG NONTOP OLD SONGS
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2025 Best Of Live On Wish 107.5 Bus🎧Top Trending Tagalog Songs Playlist 2025
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Karol G brings her new single “Si Antes Te Hubiera Conocido” to life in this exclusive Coke Studio Session.
Escucha / Stream “Si Antes Te Hubiera Conocido” on your favorite platform:
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Letra / Lyrics:
Ke lo ke
Estamos a rulay
Empezó el verano
¿Qué hubiera sido?
Si antes te hubiera conocido
Estarías bailando esta conmigo,
No como amigos
Sino como otra cosa,
Usted cerca me pone peligrosa,
Por un besito
Hago cualquier cosa
La novia suya me pone celosa
Y aunque es hermosa
No te va a tratar como yo,
No te va a besar como yo,
No está tan rica, así como yo
Ella es timida y yo no,
Con estas ganas que tengo yo,
Me atrevo a comerme a los dos,
Hoy estás jangueando con ella,
Pero (mmm)
Después tal vez no
¿Qué hubiera sido?
Si antes te hubiera conocido
Estarías bailando esta conmigo,
No como amigos
¿Qué hubiera sido?
Si antes te hubiera conocido
Estarías bailando esta conmigo,
No como amigos
Y yo te veo y no sé
Cómo actuar
Bebé pa’ conquistarte
Que me pasen el manual
Espero lo que sea,
Yo no me voy a quitar
Tengo fé que esos ojitos
Un día me van a mirar
Yo me caso contigo,
Mi nombre suena bien con tu apellido
Estoy esperando el primer descuido,
Pa’ presentarte como mi marido
Yo me casó contigo,
Mi nombre suena bien con tu apellido
Estoy esperando el primer descuido,
Pa’ presentarte como mi marido
No has entendido que
No te va a tratar como yo,
No te va a besar como yo,
No está tan rica, así como yo
Ella es timida y yo no,
Con estas ganas que tengo yo,
Me atrevo a comerme a los dos,
Hoy estás jangueando con ella,
Pero (mmm)
Después tal vez no
¿Qué hubiera sido?
Si antes te hubiera conocido
(Ey, ¿Cómo?)
Estarías bailando esta conmigo,
no como amigos
(No, no, no)
Ey, Ey, Ey
¿Qué hubiera sido?
Si antes te hubiera conocido
¿Qué hubiera sido?
Si antes te hubiera conocido
#KAROLG #SATHC #Cokestudio
Music video by KAROL G performing Si Antes Te Hubiera Conocido (Coke Studio). © 2024 Bichota Records LLC, under exclusive license to Interscope Records
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⚡️ yung kai:
⚡️ Creative Chaos:
[Verse 1]
Your morning eyes, I could stare like watching stars
I could walk you by, and I'll tell without a thought
You'd be mine, would you mind if I took your hand tonight?
Know you're all that I want this life
I'll imagine we fell in love
I'll nap under moonlight skies with you
I think I'll picture us, you with the waves
The ocean's colors on your face
I'll leave my heart with your air
So let me fly with you
Will you be forever with me?
[Verse 2]
My love will always stay by you
I'll keep it safe, so don't you worry a thing, I'll tell you I love you more
It's stuck with you forever, so promise you won't let it go
I'll trust the universe will always bring me to you
I'll imagine we fell in love
I'll nap under moonlight skies with you
I think I'll picture us, you with the waves
The ocean's colors on your face
I'll leave my heart with your air
So let me fly with you
Will you be forever with me?
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🚫 If you want to use this music in your video you will need permission from the artist or label.
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Top hits 2024 playlist ~ Trending music 2024 ~ Best songs 2024 updated weekly (Playlist Hits)
Top hits 2024 playlist ~ Trending music 2024 ~ Best songs 2024 updated weekly (Playlist Hits)
♫ Spotify:
♫ Apple Music:
00:00:00 1. Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max
00:03:08 2. abcdefu (chill) visualizer - GAYLE
00:06:05 3. At My Worst - Pink Sweat
00:09:17 4. 10-35 - Tiësto feat. Tate McRae
00:12:11 5. Hymn For The Weekend - Coldplay, Alan Walker Remix
00:16:02 6. Thats What I Like - Bruno Mars
00:19:29 7. CUPID (Twin Ver.) - FIFTY FIFTY
00:22:30 8. UNHEALTHY - Anne Marie feat Shania Twain
00:24:58 9. Nothing On You - Bruno Mars ft. B.O.B
00:28:34 10. Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars
00:32:09 11. Im A Mess - Bebe Rexha
00:35:32 12. INFERNO - Sub Urban ft Bella Poarch
00:37:46 13. FRIENDS - Marshmello x Anne-Marie
00:41:12 14. Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
00:44:02 15. Ride - twenty one pilots
00:47:37 16. Fly Me to the Moon - Sia
00:50:28 17. Symphony - Clean Bandit x Zara Larsson
00:54:01 18. Let It Be Me - David Guetta ft. Ava Max
00:56:54 19. Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots
01:00:17 20. Prayer In C - Lilly Wood x The Prick (Robin Schulz Remix)
© All recording copyrights are owned by HongAn Entertainment
Top New & Upcoming Animation Movies & Series 2024 & 2025 Trailer Compilation | Subscribe ➤ | Movie Trailer | More
Included in this compilation are
00:00 The Best New Animation Movies & Series 2024 & 2025
00:03 Dog Man
02:26 Gracie & Pedro: Pets to the Rescue
03:56 A Minecraft Movie
05:13 Sonic the Hedgehog 3
08:10 Dream Productions
09:10 The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim
11:34 Flow
13:41 Moana 2
15:47 Gabriel and the Guardians
16:34 Mufasa: The Lion King
19:08 Night of the Zoopocalypse
20:26 Hitpig
22:46 The Wild Robot
25:02 Win or Lose
25:45 Transformers One
27:24 Piece by Piece
28:46 Elio
30:54 Buffalo Kids
33:03 Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League
33:33 Dragonkeeper
35:13 LEGO Pixar: BrickToons
36:05 Curses!
38:00 200% Wolf
39:59 Gremlins: The Wild Batch
41:31 Ozi: Voice of the Forest
43:31 Secret Level
45:00 Toy Story 5
45:24 The Magnificent Life of Marcel Pagnol
Most popular movies right now ➤
Most wanted movies of all time ➤
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It's night-time in the jungle. The animals are trying to sleep, but a series of mysterious noises keeps them awake. Giraffe is freaked out. Is it a monster? No! Rocky the rhino is sleep-walking, and crashing his way through the jungle. It wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't heading towards the sleeping Humph's precious lawn...
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Is It a Monster? | Jungle Beat: Munki & Trunk | Full Episodes | Kids Cartoon 2024
Is It a Monster? | Jungle Beat: Munki & Trunk
00:00:00 - Is It a Monster?
00:06:29 - Sweet Mayhem
00:12:47 - Walk this Way
00:18:56 - Prickly Situation
00:25:18 - Hot Stuff
00:31:41 - Adventures in Babysitting
00:38:05 - I Would Walk 500 Miles
00:44:25 - Home Improvement
00:50:48 - Queen of the Swingers
00:57:14 - Holey Moley
01:03:42 - Bloomin Emergency
01:10:13 - A New Home
01:16:39 - Hiccup Line
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Cast: Alec Baldwin, James Marsden, Jeff Goldblum, Ariana Greenblatt, Amy Sedaris, Miles Christopher Bakshi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Tobey Maguire
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Top New & Upcoming Animation and Family Movies 2025 Trailer Compilation | Subscribe ➤ | Movie Trailer | More
Included in this compilation are
00:00 The Best New Animation & Family Movies 2025
00:03 Smurfs
02:24 A Minecraft Movie
04:52 Night of the Zoopocalypse
06:22 The Bad Guys 2
08:32 Shrek 5
08:59 How to Train Your Dragon
11:20 Chickenhare and the Secret of the Groundhog
12:52 The Sloth Lane
13:52 Snow White
16:16 Elio
17:36 Plankton: The Movie
19:36 Lilo & Stitch
20:01 The King of Kings
22:21 Toy Story 5
22:45 Dog Man
25:08 Win or Lose
27:17 Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight
29:53 Wolf King
32:08 Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
33:12 Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League
37:26 Boonie Bears: Time Twist
39:20 The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
Most popular movies right now ➤
Most wanted movies of all time ➤
Note | Courtesy of all Involved Publishers | All Rights Reserved. | are affiliate-links. That add no additional cost to you, but will support our work through a small commission. | #KinoCheck®
Ketika Mendengar Adzan, Sholatlah. Karena Kita Tidak Tau. Umur Kita besok Masih Ada Atau Sore ini kita berpulang. Karena adzan bukan hanya sekadar panggilan untuk salat, tetapi juga memiliki makna mendalam yakni panggilan dari Allah SWT untuk bertemu secara eksklusif dengan umat-Nya.
Adzan dikumandangkan lima kali sehari sebagai seruan kepada umat Muslim untuk melaksanakan kewajiban ibadah salat, yakni mulai dari adzan subuh hingga adzan isya. Untuk lebih memahami apa arti adzan, berikut penjelasan lengkapnya.
Arti Adzan
Kata "adzan" sendiri berasal dari bahasa Arab (أَذَان) yang berarti "pengumuman" atau "pemberitahuan". Kata adzan ini disebutkan sebanyak 53 kali dalam Al Quran dan diartikan sebagai pemberitahuan atau permohonan.
Makna adzan salah satunya tertuang dalam Al Quran Surat At-Taubah ayat 3 yang berbunyi:
وَأَذَانٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ إِلَى النَّاسِ
Artinya: Dan ini (adzan) adalah seruan dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya kepada umat manusia.
Adzan menjadi panggilan bagi umat Muslim untuk menunaikan ibadah salat lima waktu. Ini bukan sekadar pemberitahuan waktu, tetapi juga panggilan untuk memperkokoh hubungan dengan Allah dan memenuhi kewajiban agama.
Melalui kalimat-kalimat yang dipanjatkan dalam adzan, seperti "Allahu Akbar" (Allah Maha Besar), umat Muslim diingatkan akan kebesaran Allah dan pentingnya menghadirkan-Nya dalam setiap aspek kehidupan.
Adzan juga merupakan simbol persatuan umat Islam. Diucapkan secara bersamaan di berbagai masjid di seluruh dunia, adzan menjadi perekat dalam mempersatukan komunitas Muslim dalam menjalankan ibadah. (***)
PT. Rumah Creative Digital Nusantara atau Rumah Creative merupakan perusahan yang terfokus pada Produksi Film dan Event Organizer serta pendidikan remaja khusus pada bidang Seni Kreatif.
Saat ini rumah Creative telah membangun kerja sama dengan 17 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) se Jabotabek, khususnya Jurusan Perfilman dan Televisi, Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) serta Brodcasting juga bermitra dengan berbagai perguruan Tinggi negeri/swasta.
Karena Setiap Sekolah kejuruan selalu bermitra dengan Dunia Usaha, Dunia Industri, dan Dunia Kerja (DUDIKA). Maka tujuan dari kemitraan tersebut adalah dalam rangka untuk saling meningkatkan layanan pendidikan, khususnya kompetensi Siswa lulusan yang siap kerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri berdasarkan kompetensi keahlian.
Dengan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh PT. Rumah Creative Digital Nusantara tersebut, maka Sekolah dalam hal ini telah melaksanakan penandatanganan (MoU). Kedua belah pihak sepakat saling sinergi mengembangkan kompetensi Siswa sebagai bentuk kepedulian industri untuk anak bangsa.
Ada beberapa hal yg disepakati dalam MoU tersebut, di antaranya adalah: (1) sinkronisasi kurikulum; (2) pelaksanaan program pendidikan sistem ganda bagi Siswa; (3) pelaksanaan program magang bagi Guru; (4) pelaksanaan program Guru Tamu; dan (5) Uji Komptensi Keahlian (UKK) serta (6) Rekrutmen calon karyawan/crew dari lulusan sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri. (***)
1.Penaggung Jawab : Ganard Ananda
2.Koordinator : Neky Bintang
3.Head Edithing : Miko Adtiyo Nuno
4.Ide Cerita & Chos : Laura Valintine
5.Moderator : Rachel Hafsah
6.Artistik : Sultan Arman
7.Camera : Ilham Ibrahim
8.Audio Visual : Diva
Membahas Berbagai Genre musik dan Karya Cipta Roy Wijaya Dalam pembuatran lagu dan Berbagai Team Yang Terlibat saat Membuat aransement musik.
Griff - last night's mascara (Official Music Video)
Director: Candice Lo
Producer: Isabella Culver
EP: Medb Riordan, Heza Jalloh
Production Coordinator: Mali Davies
DOP: Jamie Ackroyd
Commissioner: Kirstin Cruickshank
Marketing Director: Lottie Llewellyn
Marketing Manager: Oscar Douglas
Artist Management: Kirsty Richardson
Artist Management: Deleon Blake
Artist Management: Jasmine Paterson
1st AC: Barney Batchelor
2nd AC: Fredricka Lathbridge
Runners: Rachel Akinola, Tijan Sow, Neo Lao
Camera Trainee: Alexandra Brannan
Grip: Dan Huntley
Gaffer: Vini Curtis
Electricians: Jorge Higgins, Toby Martin
1st AD: Elsa Grace
2nd AD: Alim Jallo
Production Design: Ash Halliburton
Art Department Assistants: Lily Purbrick, Ella Robson, Toby Fitzgerald
Carpet Fitter: Jake
Stylist: Kamran Rajput
Stylist Assistant: Rose Parsons
Make-up Artist: Michelle Dacillo
Make-up Assistant: Rachael Thomas
Hair Stylist: Tomi Roppongi
Choreographer: Jay Revell
SFX Technicians: Sean Harland, Louis Burke
SFX Assistant: Robbie Lynch
Camera: Panavision
Editor: Amy Dang
Edit House: Avenue Studios
Edit Producer: Adam Reid
Post House: Studio RM
Colourist: Myles Bevan
Post Producers: Mike Coley, Ella Hill
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FUNNIEST Animal, Dog and Cat Videos That’ll Instantly Boost Your Mood! 😸🐶
Dogs, cats, and the funniest animals on the internet—get ready for non-stop laughter and instant mood-boosting fun!
Animals Teach Us That Love Brings True Happiness! ❤️🐾
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Travelling With The Pros is a unique and one of a kind documentary series that features the behind the scene life of '7 Indian Sporting Legends' while they compete in some of the biggest sporting events around the world. <br /><br />Visit our website: <br />Visit our page on facebook at <br />Follow us on our Twitter handle @TWTPOfficial
Marilag - Dionela💗Best OPM Tagalog Love Songs With Lyrics💗OPM Trending 2024 Playlist #vol1 #opmsongs
Marilag - Dionela💗Best OPM Tagalog Love Songs With Lyrics💗OPM Trending 2024 Playlist #vol1 #opmsongs
[00:00:00] 01. Marilag - Dionela
[00:02:36] 02. Oksihina - Dionela
[00:06:04] 03. Blue - Yung Kai
[00:09:21] 04. Sining - Dionela ft. Jay R
[00:12:10] 05. Palagi - TJxKZ Version
[00:16:08] 06. Museo - Eliza Maturan
[00:20:58] 07. Maybe This Time - Sarah Geronimo
[00:24:18] 08. I Need You - Sam Mangubat
[00:27:20] 09. Dilaw - Maki
[00:31:18] 10. ERE - Juan Karlos
[00:35:51] 11. Kisapmata - Rico Blanco
[00:40:57] 12. Angel Baby - Troye Sivan
[00:44:31] 13. Ako Naman Muna - Angela Ken
[00:50:03] 14. Mahika - Adie, Janine Berdin
[00:53:24] 15. Sariling Mundo - TJ Monterde
[00:56:15] 16. Pasilyo - SunKissed Lola
[01:00:34] 17. Mundo - IV Of Spades
[01:06:21] 18. Dito Ka Lang - Moira Dela Torre
[01:09:57] 19. Muli - Ace Banzuelo
[01:12:57] 20. Musika - Dionela
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Music video by GloRilla performing WHATCHU KNO ABOUT ME.© 2024 CMG/Interscope Records
Bayartsengel & Anu - Chigi Tigi Boom (Official Music Video)
Үг: Данка /D.N.K/
Ая: П.Баярцэнгэл
Arranged by Enkhzorig
Video credits:
Creative Director: Fronxel Bayruk
VFX: Lox Chinbaa
Edit,Colorist: Fronxel Bayruk
Хоолой бичлэг: Промюзик продакшн /Ц.Шинэбаяр/,
Хоолой тавилт: Ц.Шинэбаяр , Ц.Оюунбаяр,
Миксинг тохиргоо: Ц.Оюунбаяр
Хамтран ажилласан: /KHULAN salon/
Make up artist: Unya
#Bayartsengel #Anu #ChigiTigiBoom
New Remix PBS: #Papa PujiBagusSiswantoro
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☔️⚡️ Inspired by true events and filled with messages of empathy and hope, Umbrella follows Joseph's story, a boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of having a yellow Umbrella.
2021 Oscar® Qualified Animated Short Film - Created and Produced in Brazil 🇧🇷
☔️⚡️ Inspirado em eventos reais e recheado de mensagem de empatia e esperança, UMBRELLA conta a história de Joseph, um menino que mora em um orfanato e sonha em ter um guarda-chuva amarelo.
Curta metragem Qualificado para o Oscar® 2021 - Criado e Pruduzido no Brazil 🇧🇷
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#animatedshortfilm #umbrella #refugee
Animated short "Andy: a Dog’s Tale" is story of how one puppy overcomes a series of obstacles to find his purpose in life as a Canine Companions service dog. Andy learns that life is not always easy, yet through the help of others and determination, he shows us that unlikely heroes often come from small beginnings and a big heart.
🐕🦺 Learn more:
This award-winning film was produced in partnership with Jamy Wheless, director, Ignite Animation Studios, Crater Studio, and Jean Schulz, executive producer, Canine Companions board member and president of Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates.
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Canine Companions is a national nonprofit organization that provides service dogs – free of charge – to adults, children and veterans with disabilities and facility dogs to professionals working in healthcare, criminal justice and educational settings. Since 1975, we have been leading the service dog industry so our clients and their dogs can live with greater independence. Learn more about us at
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#dog #puppy #servicedog #nonprofit #LeadWithIndependence #animation #movie #shortfilm
➨ Wake Up with Peaceful Music - Soothing Rhumba Cha Cha Guitar Instrumental Melodies for Relaxation
➨ Wake up to a serene morning with our soothing instrumental melodies. Enjoy a calming blend of rhumba and cha cha cha, expertly played on the guitar. Perfect for relaxation, meditation, or simply unwinding after a long day. Let the gentle rhythms and beautiful tones transport you to a peaceful oasis. Featuring a calming blend of rhumba and cha cha cha, this playlist is perfect for relaxing and connecting with nature.
➨ All images, music and video clips in this MV are created and owned by us.
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YouTube Dude is a online video sharing site where visitors become contributors by simply sharing any videos they want onto the website.
Enactus Uniten KSHAS Highlights on 12 until 18 October 2015 highlight video.
Good Charlotte speaks out in support of AIDS and HIV awareness. <br /><br />Do your part. Make some noise about HIV and AIDS and win a trip for 2 to MTV in London or NY- We are the generation that can do something about it! Get clued up - learn more at <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. <br /><br />The person who recruits the most people between March 27th and June 3rd 2008 to THIS FACEBOOK CAUSE will win a trip for two to either London or New York - your choice -- flights and hotel included. <br /><br />READ MORE - INCLUDING TOP RECRUITMENT TIPS AT <a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /><br />The winner will be the person who is the number 1 recruiter in the hall of fame, below, on June 3rd 2008
ഹാസ്യത്തിന്റെ പുതുപുത്തൻ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾക്ക് തിരികൊളുത്താൻ ഫ്ളവേഴ്സ് കോമഡി "ഇത് ഐറ്റം വേറെ". സ്റ്റാൻഡ് അപ്പ് ആക്ടുകളും കോമഡി സ്കിറ്റുകളും ഉൾപ്പെടെ വിവിധ ഹാസ്യ പ്രകടനങ്ങൾ അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഷോ പ്രേക്ഷകർക്ക് ചിരിയുടെ തകർപ്പൻ നിമിഷങ്ങൾ സമ്മാനിക്കുന്നു. കലാഭവൻ ഷാജോൺ, അസീസ്, നസീർ സംക്രാന്തി എന്നിവർ വിധികർത്താക്കളായി എത്തുന്ന പ്രോഗ്രാമിൽ ജീവയാണ് അവതാരകൻ.
"Ithu Item Vere" is a lively comedy program on Flowers TV, hosted by Anchor Jeeva. Featuring a variety of comedic performances, including stand-up acts and skits, the show keeps audiences entertained with laughter and amusement. With judges Kalabhavan Shajon, Azeez, and Naseer Sankranthy providing feedback and adding to the fun, "Ithu Item Vere" promises a delightful viewing experience for all comedy enthusiasts.
ആസ്വദിക്കാം ഇടവേളകളില്ലാത്ത കാഴ്ച്ചവസന്തം ഫ്ളവേഴ്സ് ലൈവായി | Flowers LIVE TV | സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ.. ഒപ്പം ചേരൂ...
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