शीर्ष वीडियो

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ഹാസ്യത്തിന്റെ പുതുപുത്തൻ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾക്ക് തിരികൊളുത്താൻ ഫ്‌ളവേഴ്‌സ് കോമഡി "ഇത് ഐറ്റം വേറെ". സ്റ്റാൻഡ് അപ്പ് ആക്ടുകളും കോമഡി സ്‌കിറ്റുകളും ഉൾപ്പെടെ വിവിധ ഹാസ്യ പ്രകടനങ്ങൾ അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഷോ പ്രേക്ഷകർക്ക് ചിരിയുടെ തകർപ്പൻ നിമിഷങ്ങൾ സമ്മാനിക്കുന്നു. കലാഭവൻ ഷാജോൺ, അസീസ്, നസീർ സംക്രാന്തി എന്നിവർ വിധികർത്താക്കളായി എത്തുന്ന പ്രോഗ്രാമിൽ ജീവയാണ് അവതാരകൻ.

"Ithu Item Vere" is a lively comedy program on Flowers TV, hosted by Anchor Jeeva. Featuring a variety of comedic performances, including stand-up acts and skits, the show keeps audiences entertained with laughter and amusement. With judges Kalabhavan Shajon, Azeez, and Naseer Sankranthy providing feedback and adding to the fun, "Ithu Item Vere" promises a delightful viewing experience for all comedy enthusiasts.

ആസ്വദിക്കാം ഇടവേളകളില്ലാത്ത കാഴ്ച്ചവസന്തം ഫ്‌ളവേഴ്‌സ് ലൈവായി | Flowers LIVE TV | സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യൂ.. ഒപ്പം ചേരൂ...
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#pewdiepie #gaming #minecraft<br /><br />This Channel is for Entertainment Purpose !

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From the Newsroom: Travel agents tie up with sporting events from Livemint Videos. Like this? Watch the latest episode of Livemint Videos on Blip! http://blip.tv/livemint-videos/watch <br /><br />Traditional tour operators have started to provide travel services to specific events to save themselves from the onslaught of online travel agents. Mint?s Moulishree Srivastava and Chetan Kapoor of PhoCusWright tell us more.<br /><br />See all episodes of Livemint Videos http://blip.tv/livemint-videos#EpisodeArchive<br />Visit Livemint Videos's series page http://blip.tv/livemint-videos

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Pinakamalaking gov't travel trade event, isinagawa

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Touratech Travel Event 2016 - Tag 2<br/>

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Saveur's Culinary Travel Awards Event 2013 <br />

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Is time travel possible? There are some people around the work who claim that they have traveled in time and have been to different centuries. however their claims cannot be confirmed but it does sparks a debate whether it is possible.

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Sweeping travel bans cascaded around the globe on Thursday, walling off countries and even entire continents, keeping people inside their homes, and slowing the engines of commerce to stem the coronavirus pandemic.

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Best Of Jaafour organisé par Jazira Travel & Events

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Saving travel for a big milestone can make you happier. Buzz60’s Keri Lumm shares the results of a new study conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Beach Bound. 

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VIP Travel and Events LLC <br />Garysburg, NC, 27831 <br />(252) 301-3624 <br /> <br />VIP Travel and Events, LLC will create one of a kind experiences for you and your significant other. We plan Luxury Honeymoons, Destination Weddings, Cruise Weddings, Getaways, Anniversaries, and Marriage proposals. Call us "When Traditional will not do" and you want to create a memorable and unique experience for your partner. <br /> <br />Event Planner, Wedding Planning, Honeymoon Travel Experts, Corporate Events Planner, Event & Travel Agency <br /> <br />Event Planning, Wedding Proposals Planner, Honeymoon Destination , Destination Wedding , School Events , Anniversary planner , Vacation , Gateaways , Family Reunion , High School Reunion , Dinner Parties , Birthday Party Planner , Holiday Dinner Party <br /> <br />http://viptravelandeventsllc.com

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Brown and Pink Beaches Travel & Events

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Action Awaits is Toronto's premier social event & travel company! We host events & trips every week. If you're new to Toronto or looking for a way to spice up your everyday, then take a chance and join us, because Action Awaits you.<br /><br />Here you'll find fun social events & trips to get you out meeting new people, trying new things and laughing, out loud!<br />Our events are open to everyone and there are<br />no joining fees, EVER. <br /><br />So come on out to play, we'd love to meet you.

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Discover how travel insurance provides peace of mind, knowing you’re protected from the unexpected during your travels.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />#travelinsurance ,#tripprotection ,#vacationinsurance ,#financialsecurity ,#insurancepolicy ,#travelcoverage ,#medicalemergencies ,#cancellationinsurance ,#flightinsurance ,#financialprotection ,#insurancebenefits ,#insurancematters ,#protectyourtrip #travelsafety ,#travelersinsurance

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Ba voila ça c'est dans les vestiaires en sport on stape toujours des délires xD

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Sketch written and performed by GAG! (2010)<br /><br />GAG! are... <br />Jonathon Holmes<br />Daniel Jarvis<br />Mathew Robinson<br />and Megan Wilding

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Aujourd'hui, Alex Vizorek nous parle des sports qui se pratiquent sous l'eau.<br /><br />Retrouvez toutes les chroniques sport d'Alex Vizorek dans « C'est encore nous ! » sur France Inter et sur https://www.radiofrance.fr/fra....nceinter/podcasts/vi

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Singer: AbroBey (https://www.instagram.com/abrobey_)

Video by: MamurjonOkay (https://www.instagram.com/mamurjon_okay/)

Mixing: https://www.instagram.com/evgeniivoishev/

Assistant: Shakhzot Khabibullayev (https://www.instagram.com/shokhzot99/)


Dunyo shunchalar qimmatmi?
Shu pulsiz zulmatmi?
Boylik — eng ulugʻ ne’matmi?
Yoʻqmi inson qiymati?!

Oʻylab qolaman, oʻtkinchi olam,
Mol-dunyoga buncha oʻch bu odam?
Choʻntak boʻsh boʻlsa bosma qadam,
Mensimasdan qarar koʻz qiridan.

Sezmay qolaman, aldaydi odam,
Qoʻrqmaydi, harom non yer hiyladan.
Maqsad — sotish, hatto sotuvda badan,
Tavba qil, qoʻrq olov taftidan.

Unutma, ey inson, bu — foniy dunyo,
Boʻlma razil, tushdamassan, bu — roʻyo.
Oʻylaysan hammasi yaxshidek goʻyo,
Sen sabab yo haq, yo nohaq bu dunyo.

Tuzilgan shunaqa “qora dastur”,
Piyodasan, yoʻqmi moshina — ozgina past tur.
Boy kasal boʻlsa, doʻxtirlar hammasi gʻamxoʻr,
Kambagʻalning joni ogʻrisa, “Navbatda jim tur!”

Boʻlsa boldi bitta yangi iPhone,
Oʻtdi vaqt maqsadsiz, doim birga shayton.
Qora Gentra, 3-4 soʻm pul, ol senga maydon,
Tulki, boʻri, ilon — oʻzi shularmi hayvon?

Dunyo shunchalar qimmatmi?
Shu pulsiz zulmatmi?
Boylik — eng ulugʻ ne’matmi?
Yoʻqmi inson qiymati?! (2x)

Tan olaman, koʻp narsa bogʻliq pulga,
Suzmayman, mayli, qarshi oqimga.
Kechib ketdi bir chaqa deb, ogʻir botdi dilga,
Bor bogʻliq narsalar — pulgamas, koʻngilga.

Aytaman bitta gapni oʻsha boy zoʻrlarga,
Savol-javob bitta joyda, sen va pulga zorlarga.
Sevgandim — berishmadi, doʻstman qora tunlarga,
Yor-yor bilan ketdi qasri borlarga.

Oʻylab qolaman, oʻtkinchi olam,
Mol-dunyoga buncha oʻch bu odam?
Choʻntak boʻsh boʻlsa bosma qadam,
Mensimasdan qarar koʻz qiridan.

Dunyo shunchalar qimmatmi?
Shu pulsiz zulmatmi?
Boylik — eng ulugʻ ne’matmi?
Yoʻqmi inson qiymati?!



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Vocal - Nay Min Eain, Jewel
Composer - Nyein Chan Co
Harmony - Acapella (Ludee, Sithu)
Music Producer- Dave Chen
Mixing & Mastering - Dave Chen
Cast - Nay Min Eain, Jewel
MUA - Linn Linn (Lan Ma Daw)
Director - Drone
DOP & Editor- Eric Thang
Color Grade - Drone

International Streaming Platform link : https://reddyglobalmusic.com/M....inNae-NayMinEain-Jew

👇My profile links👇
🎄FLOW : https://open.flow.com.mm/dzKbLpGyfFb
🎄Faceboook : https://www.facebook.com/htet.yannaing.31
🎄Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nay.min.eain/
🎄Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/us/art....ist/nay-min-eain/132
🎄Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/3QDuDFfjzta1b4YP7v
🎄Amazon : https://music.amazon.com/artis....ts/B0781VZB58/nay-mi
🎄Tidal : https://listen.tidal.com/artist/9346570
🎄Napster : https://us.napster.com/artist/nay-min-eain
🎄TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@naymineain1177
🎄Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565626610843&mibextid=ZbWKwL

#NayMinEain #Jewel #MinNae #duet #DuetSong

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Streamer DM : https://bfan.link/dm-4

STYLIST : Bright look (Elzo bouba) / Mushei

Kaay waay
Ndeke dou mbeuguelou Kassè
Teh sax xetou mbeuguel yi dafa rare
Dièkou ma ni douma bale yeah yeah
An konne yaw bandi nga ndèkè bebe
Sopi nga sama xol bi limonade
Siroter ko diko nane yeah yeah

Ndax baniouy ndieukeu guissanter
Li nga ma yene nimou disser
Ak niniou xolanter
Rek ma xamni yalla niou bolè

Est-ce que do djinè ndax diomal nga ma (KAAY WAY)
Doflo ngama (kaay waay)
Wayè deufeul ngama (kaay waay)

Mane limay doundou ni daal nexma (kaay waay)
So bèguè ma bègue (kaay waay)
Niou deukè di rè (kaay waay)

Yaw moussoul metti ba nga reuthiou li nga ma xam (kaay waay)
Maala geuneul lounè (kaay waay)
Teh yaama geuneul kounè (kaay waay)

Bae liniouy doundou ni tièr-Carrè na (kaay waay)
Bègal ma bèg (kaay waay)
Ma xeuthie sa reundeul happy (kaay waay)

Soma sorè oh my love
Namel bimay yeuk thi yaw
Wallahi yaako meuneu fadie nieuweul
Niouy kaf di rè
Niouy kaaf di fo di rè

Ndax baniouy ndieukeu guissanter
Li nga ma yene nimou disser
Ak niniou xolanter
Rek ma xamni yalla niou bolè

Est-ce que do djinè ndax diomal nga ma (KAAY WAY)
Doflo ngama (kaay waay)
Wayè deufeul ngama (kaay waay)

Mane limay doundou ni daal nexma (kaay waay)
So bèguè ma bègue (kaay waay)
Niou deukè di rè (kaay waay)

Yaw moussoul metti ba nga reuthiou li nga ma xam (kaay waay)
Maala geuneul lounè (kaay waay)
Teh yaama geuneul kounè (kaay waay)

Bae liniouy doundou ni tièr-Carrè na (kaay waay)
Bègal ma bèg (kaay waay)
Ma xeuthie sa reundeul happy (kaay waay)

Oh bebe toi mon bebe
Toi qui m’a tout donner
Je pourrais jamais te quitter
Je t’en fais la promesse mon bebe
Tu m’as tellement épauler
Quand il le fallait
M’a sorti de la galère
Je vais te rendre la money

Oh bebe yaw mi gounguè ma man malay gounguè
Et si t’a peur crie aider moi mane maaa lay sauvé
Oh bebe yaw ndax beuguè ngama comme nim la beuguè
Ndax nim la beugè eup naaa wa li noum dèmè

Oh bebe toi mon bebe
Toi qui m’a tout donner
Je pourrais jamais te quitter
Je t’en fais la promesse mon bebe
Tu m’as tellement épauler
Quand il le fallait
M’a sorti de la galère
Je vais te rendre la money

Oh bebe yaw mi gounguè ma

#vj #kaayway #dm

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HIT ME HARD AND SOFT, the new album from Billie Eilish, is out now. Shop exclusive vinyl and CD: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/Store

Listen to HIT ME HARD AND SOFT: http://BillieEilish.lnk.to/HITMEHARDANDSOFT
Get tickets: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/TourDates

Follow Billie Eilish:
TikTok: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/TikTok
Instagram: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/Instagram
Facebook: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/Facebook
Twitter: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/Twitter
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/billieeilish
WhatsApp: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/WhatsApp
Email: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/SignUp
Store: https://BillieEilish.lnk.to/Store
Cell: +1 (310) 807-3956

Music video by Billie Eilish performing WILDFLOWER (Lyric Video). © 2024 Darkroom/Interscope Records


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▪ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sevi....nch_ismoilova_offici

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Khublei shibun Mei bad Pa.

Videography : Tylli Pathaw.

#joelan #khasi

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Watch hip-hop’s MVP put on an epic performance at the Apple Music Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show. Enjoy one free month of Apple Music and listen to Kendrick Lamar’s latest hits in Spatial Audio: https://apple.co/Kendrick-SuperBowl
*New subscribers only. Plan automatically renews at your region's price per month until cancelled. Terms apply.

Watch live local and primetime games, NFL RedZone, and NFL Network on Plus.NFL.com

Check out our other channels:
NFL Tuesday Night Gaming https://www.youtube.com/c/NFLTNG
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NFL Network http://www.youtube.com/nflnetwork

#NFL #Football #AmericanFootball

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👉🏻 SUBSCRIBE to Zee Music Company - https://bit.ly/2yPcBkS

To Stream & Download Full Song:
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3Po1CCU
JioSaavn - https://bit.ly/40mPTLh
Gaana - https://bit.ly/4gFoWbi
iTunes - https://apple.co/3DHxyzy
Apple Music - https://apple.co/3DHxyzy
Amazon Prime Music - https://amzn.to/40092RH
Hungama - https://bit.ly/3W1Lo6b
YouTube Music - https://bit.ly/4a6CBp6

Song: Uyi Amma
Singer: Madhubanti Bagchi
Composed by: Amit Trivedi
Lyrics by: Amitabh Bhattacharya
Choreographer: Bosco Leslie Martis
Backing Vocals: Rajiv Sundaresan, Rishikesh Kamerkar, Arun Kamath & Suhas Sawant
Music Arranged and Produced by: Amit Trivedi & Rahul Tiwari
Electric Guitar: Aryan Tiwari
Trumpet: Robin Fargose
Shennai: Omkar Dhumal
Dholak & Dhol: Jayesh Kathak & Lalit Shankar
Additional Indian Percussion: Jayesh Kathak
Assistant to Rahul Tiwari: Vipul Pednekar
Sound Engineer, AT Studios: Urmila Sutar & Chinmay Mestry
Assistant Sound Engineer, AT Studios: Abhishek Vishnu Dandekar
Mixed & Mastered by: Shadab Rayeen at New Edge
Assisted by: Anup, Prasad, Sohamm, Rupam & Kundan
Manager, AT Studios: Naveen

RSVP & Guy In The Sky Pictures present

Starring: Ajay Devgn, Aaman Devgan, Rasha Thadani, Diana Penty, Mohit Malik & Piyush Mishra
Directed by: Abhishek Kapoor
Produced by: Ronnie Screwvala & Pragya Kapoor
Co-produced by: Abhishek Nayyar & Abhishek Kapoor
Associate Producer: Pashan Jal
Written By: Ritesh Shah, Suresh Nair & Abhishek Kapoor
Creative Producer: Nishant Kantharia, Maharsh Shah, Sanaya Irani

Music on Zee Music Company

Connect with us on :
Snapchat - https://bit.ly/3UIfICJ
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/ZeeMusicCompany
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zeemusiccompany
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/zeemusiccompany
YouTube - http://bit.ly/TYZMC

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Official music video for “Handlebars” from the album ‘Ruby’ out now: https://jennie.lnk.to/ruby

Starring JENNIE & Dua Lipa

Prod. Company: LFR Productions Inc.
Director: BRTHR
Executive Producer: Francesco Rizzo, Luigi Rossi, Chris Dodds
Line Producer: Sergio Vaccaro
Producer/Commissioner: Bryan Younce, Saul Levitz
Director of Photography: Ben Carey
Production Designer: Griffin Stoddard
Stylist: Brandon Tan
Casting Director: Allison Twardziak
B-cam Op: Jeremy Herron
Editorial: Modern Post
Editor: Graham Patterson @ Modern Post & Alex Lee / BRTHR
Colorist: Myles Bevan @ Studio R-M
VFX Producer: BRTHR
VFX by VHS ENTERTAINMENT @vhs_entertainment
VFX by @chanhyungchun / Chanhyung Chun / @aquon / AQUON / @mo.ondan / Moon Dan
VFX by AEFX @aefxwrks
VFX by HIMIA @himia.digital
VFX by JEDD LINGO @jeddlingo
Sound Mix & Design: Moritz Staub

Follow JENNIE -
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennierubyjane
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jennierubyjane
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jennierubyjane

Follow Dua Lipa -
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dualipa
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dualipaofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dualipa

Get your exclusive digital Ruby photocard: https://sevenstages.jenn.ie

Follow JENNIE HQ -
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennie_hq
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jennie_hq
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jennie_hq

#JENNIE #DuaLipa #Handlebars

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Beautiful Relaxing Music - Stop Overthinking, Stress Relief Music, Sleep Music, Calming Music #242

Bask in these exquisite melodies meticulously crafted to quiet the relentless churn of anxious thoughts. As delicate piano notes shimmer like light dancing on still waters, feel the frantic momentum within begin to slow. Soothing strings and ethereal vocals envelop you in warmth, coaxing pent-up tension to dissipate with each lingering refrain. Allow the gentle cadences to guide your breath into its natural rhythm as racing heartbeats gradually return to a state of ease. Whether you seek respite from overthinking's grip, a reprieve from unrelenting stressors, or a nudge across the threshold into deep restorative sleep - these are the harmonies that hold the healing balm. Drift into their tender embrace and let go of relentless mental chatter, letting wave after soothing wave roll worries and wakefulness away until only profound peacefulness remains.

Music to sleep deeply and rest the mind, relaxing and calm music to sleep.
To stay calm and relieve stress after a hard day at work, turn on soothing music. By listening to relaxing music, you can reduce stress hormones in the body. It helps the body fight the symptoms of prolonged stress.
We are a music label that does everything possible to help you feel calmer and happier with music. Music has no barriers, so no matter who you are or where you come from, these beautiful beats are made for you. Join the journey to find your inner peace and brighten your day.
#helios4K #relax #sleepmusic #innerpeace #relaxingmusic
🌄 Music by Helios Records: https://linktr.ee/heliosrecords

©️ All content on Inner Peace - Look Inside is protected by copyright
© All music and videos are produced by us and are copyrighted
✔ All rights belong to their respective owners

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Listen to “Die With A Smile”, song and video out now: http://GagaMars.lnk.to/DieWithASmile

Directed by Daniel Ramos & Bruno Mars

Follow Lady Gaga:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ladygaga
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladygaga
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ladygaga
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ladygaga
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ladygaga
Website: https://www.ladygaga.com

Follow Bruno Mars:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brunomars/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brunomars
Twitter: https://x.com/brunomars
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brunomars
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/brunomars
Website: https://www.brunomars.com/
Official Store: https://brunomars.lnk.to/shop

Music video by Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars performing Die With A Smile.© 2024 Interscope Records

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ROSÉ & Bruno Mars - APT.
Download/stream: https://rosesarerosie.lnk.to/APTID

Order APT. single CD: https://rosesarerosie.lnk.to/APT-CDID

'rosie' - the first studio album by ROSÉ - out now
download/stream: http://rosesarerosie.lnk.to/rosieID

ROSÉ store exclusive 'rosie' vinyl, cd's, and more available now: http://rosesarerosie.lnk.to/storeID

Follow ROSÉ:

Follow Bruno Mars:

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

Kissy face, kissy face
Sent to your phone but,
I'm trying to kiss your lips for real
Red hearts, red hearts
That’s what I’m on yeah
Come give me something I can feel
Oh oh oh
Don't you want me like I want you, baby
Don't you need me like I need you now
Sleep tomorrow but tonight go crazy
All you gotta do is just meet me at the

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

It’s whatever it’s whatever it’s whatever you like
Turn this 아파트 into a club
I’m talking drink, dance, smoke, freak, party all night
건배 건배 girl what’s up
Oh oh oh
Don't you want me like I want you, baby
Don't you need me like I need you now
Sleep tomorrow but tonight go crazy
All you gotta do is just meet me at the

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

Hey so now you know the game Are you ready?
Cause I’m comin to get ya
Get ya, get ya
Hold on, hold on
I’m on my way
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I’m on my way
Hold on, hold on
I’m on my way
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m on my way
Don't you want me like I want you, baby
Don't you need me like I need you now
Sleep tomorrow but tonight go crazy
All you gotta do is just meet me at the

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Just meet me at the (Uh huh uh huh)

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Just meet me at the (Uh huh uh huh)

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트
Just meet me at the (Uh huh uh huh)

아파트 아파트
아파트 아파트

아파트 아파트
Uh, uh huh uh huh

#ROSÉ_BRUNO_APT #APT #ROSÉ #BrunoMars #MusicVideo

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Welcome to Spin Data! In this video, we explore all the upcoming animated movies set to release between 2024 and 2027. From highly anticipated sequels to fresh stories, discover the exciting adventures that await in the world of animation!

✨ Movies Featured: Get ready for sneak peeks, trailers, and exclusive insights into the animation landscape of the coming years.

📅 Don’t Miss Out: All Disney Animation Movies [1937-2027] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQoUfB658so All Animated Movies [2024] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93wTN_1zMk0 All DreamWorks Animation Movies [1998-2024] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTshDf36tGk&t=2s All Sony Pictures Animation Movies [2006-2025] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txda4TJ1KaQ

#AnimatedMovies #UpcomingMovies #Animation2024 #SpinData #AnimatedMovies2024 #FutureAnimatedFilms #UpcomingMovies #AnimationNews2024 #BestAnimatedMovies #AnimationTrends

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The images used in this slideshow are movie posters that are the property of their respective copyright owners. This content is intended for educational and informational purposes only and falls under the category of "fair use."

We do not intend to infringe on any copyrights or commercial interests. The purpose of this slideshow is to provide commentary, critique, and analysis of the films showcased.

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I do NOT Own this. I'm simply sharin' it 'cause it's Epic.
Like it? Buy it:

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CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Watermelon A Cautionary Tale Animated Short Film by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He at Ringling College of Art + Design. Featured on CGMeetup https://www.cgmeetup.com/

Watermelon: A Cautionary Tale is about a boy who accidentally eats a watermelon seed and later the seeds start to grow in his belly.

A film by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He
Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design https://www.ringling.edu/
Music by Antonius Nazareth, Sound Designed by Nick Ainsworth.

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VFX Breakdowns, Making of & Behind the Scene: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLc6NCp8iAPD

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For more details or to dispute please contact us at info@cgmeetup.net.

CGMeetup is the #1 inspiration resource for all CGI, VFX, 3D and Digital artists. We feature a wide variety of CGI content including behind-the-
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Professionals use CGMeetup to exchange ideas, knowledge & job

CGI Animated Short Film: "Watermelon A Cautionary Tale" by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He | CGMeetup


#cgi #animation #animated #3d #shortfilm #short #animatedshortfilm

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Film "Sang Petarung" sebuah film yang menggambarkan banyak manfaat yang dapat dipetik selain cerita haru-birunya prestasi, juga manfaat lain adalah meningkatnya gerakan refleks dalam melatih kecepatan, perlawanan, dan kekuatan serta fleksibilitas dan refleks otot juga meningkat.

Dari sisi mental, dengan gerakan-gerakan memukul maupun menendang, membuat pikiran seseorang jadi lebih lega juga membantu seseorang menyingkirkan rasa amarah, kecewa maupun sedih pada akhirnya mereka pun terbebas dari stress.

Film itu juga menjawab sebuah tantangan olahraga tinju yang hampir tenggelam dan ditingggalkan para sponsor karena di Indonesia belum mempunyai grand design olahraga tinju secara profesional. Padahal sebenarnya ini sangat penting, terutama untuk menciptakan atlet-atlet (tinju ...red) yang berprestasi.

Bukan hanya itu saja, grand design olahraga nasional ini dapat membuat langkah atlet-atlet kita dan juga pemangku kepentingan menjadi lebih terukur serta sistematis. Sebab, pada dasarnya untuk menciptakan atlet yang memiliki prestasi gemilang tentu saja membutuhkan proses dan perjalanan panjang. (***)

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Cinta Diupuk Rindu

Cerita Cinta ini mengajarkan bahwa harapan kadang tak sejalan dengan kenyataan yang ada yang kita di hadapan dalam perjalanan hidup.

Ketika seorang wanita atau pria memulai melakukan perjalanan cinta, mereka pikir bahwa dekat dengan kekasih hati membuat segalanya menjadi indah. Karena merka berpikir bahwa cinta dapat mengatasi segala hal dan membuat hidup terasa sempurna.

Namun, mereka segera memahami bahwa kedekatan fisik tak selalu mencerminkan kedekatan emosional. Mesiki pertemuan itu memunculkan intensitas yang tak terduga. Tetapi mereka juga menyadari bahwa intensitas itu seringkali membuatnya angkuh dan mengubah rasa menjadi perasaan berlebihan.

Mereka terlalu terfokus pada kedekatan, hingga akhirnya melupakan etika kesopanan terhadap orang-orang yang berada jauh darinya. Begitupun sang kekasih hati tak pernah menganggap masalah sebagai sesuatu yang besar.

Baginya, segalanya sederhana dan mengalir dengan sendirinya. Dia mengajarkan pada kita semua penonton, bahwa hidup tidak perlu rumit, dan tak ada yang terlalu serius untuk dikhawatirkan. (***)

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Saint-Etienne devrait accueillir 8 match de football lors des JO 2024 en France. Encore un grand événement à Geoffroy Guichard !

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Un tournoi féminin de billard organisé à Saint-Etienne

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Des muscles, beaucoup de muscles au concours Gym and Co

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L'arboriculteur Joseph Couchoud sponsorise une équipe de basket du Chambon Feugerolles.

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♟️OK! Between the Lips and the Rim of the Cup♟️ <br />Music for people is like the heartbeat of the soul. It is a melody that weaves itself into our lives, like braids of sounds woven into a harmonious story. It is like rain on the roof, soothing and invigorating at the same time. Music is a language without words that transcends the boundaries of culture and time. It is emotion expressed in notes, longing in chords, joy in rhythm. Without it, the world would be silence and our hearts would be poor. Music is magic that opens the door to our guts and allows us to understand ourselves and others. It's a sonic bridge.

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Sport Injuries: Sport Science

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Boom le pauvre mais mdr

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Moana 2" (2024) Full Movie | Disney Animated Adventure | Moana & Maui Return! 🎶🔥

In this video I have reviewed about (Moana 2" (2024) )  Movie with some details and I have told some interesting facts about the movie. This is not a movie.
Copyright Disclaimer :
Under Section 107  of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
🚨 "Moana 2" (2024) - Full Movie Details & Updates! 🌊🎥
The highly anticipated sequel to Disney's Moana (2016) is here! "Moana 2" (2024) takes us on a new oceanic adventure as Moana and Maui reunite to uncover the lost island of Motufetu and break its ancient curse.

🎬 From Walt Disney Animation Studios, this musical adventure is directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, featuring Auliʻi Cravalho & Dwayne Johnson reprising their beloved roles!

📽️ Movie Overview:
🔹 Title: Moana 2 (2024)
🔹 Genre: Animated, Musical, Adventure
🔹 Studio: Walt Disney Animation Studios
🔹 Directors: David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller
🔹 Screenplay: Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush
🔹 Producers: Walt Disney Pictures
🔹 Release Date: November 27, 2024

🌟 Cast & Characters:
✅ Auliʻi Cravalho as Moana 🏝️✨
✅ Dwayne Johnson as Maui 🏋️‍♂️🔥
✅ Alan Tudyk as Hei Hei 🐔😂
✅ Rachel House as Tala 🌿💫
✅ Temuera Morrison as Tui 🏡
✅ Nicole Scherzinger as Sina 🎵

📖 Plot Details:
📌 Three years after her first voyage, Moana is now a leader and wayfinder of Motunui. She sets sail on a daring new quest, reuniting with Maui and a crew of navigators to find the lost island of Motufetu, believed to be cursed. Can they break the curse and reconnect the people of the ocean? 🌊🏝️

📅 Official Release Date & Streaming Updates:
🎬 "Moana 2" will be released in theaters on November 27, 2024! 🗓️
📺 Streaming on Disney+ in early 2025 (date TBA). Stay tuned for updates!

📺 Official Trailer:
🎥 The first teaser trailer for "Moana 2" dropped on November 17, 2023! Watch now to catch a glimpse of the stunning animation, epic adventure, and brand-new songs! 🎶🌊

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